Listening to the Classics: Jane Austen’s Persuasion, narrated by Michael Page

persuasion brockWhen I suggested the title of “Caz’s Classics Corner” to the editor at AudioGals as a collective title for a handful of reviews I was going to write of audiobooks of literary classics, I WAS JOKING.

But it stuck.

So for the next couple of weeks, you’ll find me pontificating in my Classics Corner, starting with an overview of Jane Austen’s Persuasion.

Persuasion is Jane Austen’s last completed work, and as someone who enjoys second chance romances, I’m a big fan. It was written in a hurry shortly before her death, and is the only one of her books to feature a heroine who is (in terms of the mores of the time) past the bloom of youth (Anne is twenty-seven) and a hero who is not landed gentry, but a self-made man.

You can read the full article at AudioGals.

4 thoughts on “Listening to the Classics: Jane Austen’s Persuasion, narrated by Michael Page

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